Background information

The Faith & Belief Forum have been working in schools for nearly twenty years. We are the UK’s leading provider of interfaith workshops, in which we work with young people to explore and understand faith and belief, both religious and non-religious, as they are actually lived today.
Our ‘Encountering Faiths and Beliefs’ workshop helps to raise awareness of what it means to have a faith or belief and improves young people’s skills of empathy through opportunities for encounter with volunteers from a wide range of different backgrounds. This workshop is offered to primary and secondary students.
We also regularly develop a number of resources for teachers to support students of all ages to develop their understanding of faith and belief through sharing real life stories and providing guidelines for sensitive but courageous dialogue.
We are always looking for volunteer writers and content creators to help us expand and diversify our upcoming resources
Email if you have any further questions.
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Benefits for the candidates:
This opportunity offers –
- Providing children and young people with the opportunity to hear from different perspectives that they might not otherwise hear
- Contributing to debunk myths/stereotypes around people who practice different faiths or beliefs
- Contributing to a wider reach than we could via individual workshops, through our online resources
- Experience in creating different types of content, with guidance, feedback and support from F&BF staff
- Be part of a diverse and inclusive volunteer pool that celebrates difference
- Access to other volunteering roles at F&BF, such as our school’s speaker programmes
- Access to self-led training that can be done in your own time
- The flexibility to fit this role around your schedule
Benefits for F&BF/schools:
- The different types of resources available will cater to different schools’ needs
- These resources will enhance the curriculum and support teachers in teaching about different worldviews
- Help support schools with lack of funds and teacher capacity by providing free ready-to-use lesson plans and digital resources
What’s required from the role:
- To create at least six pieces of content, in any format, in one year
- To receive feedback and be open to making adjustments as required
- To be open to creating different types of content, including blogs, videos/vlogs, social media content and podcasts
- To be able to work to deadlines and communicate with F&BF staff on a regular basis
What we’re looking for:
- Passion for promoting understanding and tolerance
- To identify with a faith or non-religious belief, and enthusiasm for sharing their lived experience and beliefs
- Ability to reflect and communicate on personal experience of faith and belief in a positive, informative and engaging way
- It’s not necessary to have a lot of experience in content creation, but we are a looking for a willingness to learn and strengthen skills
- Access to a device capable of creating different types of content