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Events / Communities of Hope – Birmingham

Communities of Hope – Birmingham

25th Mar 2021
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm


Event Category:

This event is to celebrate the Birmingham Building Closer Communities community linking dialogue project and youth dialogue project

About this Event

Over the last 4 months, we have worked together with local communities, young people and schools to deliver an interfaith dialogue project in Birmingham.

This event brings together all the 90 participants of different faith and belief groups who have taken part from across the project to celebrate their participation! It also brings together other community members who are passionate about building bridges across communities and want to share their visions of hope for closer, better connected communities.  

At the event, you will have an opportunity to:

  • Celebrate your part in the project. Meet others who have been through a similar process of meeting from others across the city and getting to know them through community dialogues.
  • Listen to and learn from participants . Discover what motivated them to take part in an interfaith community dialogue project and how they intend to continue this work.
  • Take part in group discussions led by our youth dialogue participants . A aim of this project has been supporting young people to develop and vocalise their hopes of closer communities and we want to give them a platform to speak to and be heard by their communities.
  • Meet other local people and share your vision of hope. When people cannot meet in person, being able to see others and learn about good work that is happening is vital.

Register via Eventbrite HERE

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