23 / 01 / 17
I recently graduated from SOAS, University of London with a BA in History. I have always had an interest in International Development and Policy and seek to build a career in this sector. I am now on an internship with a small Water and Sanitation NGO and write a graduate blog as a creative outlet. www.graduatediaries.london
I participated in the 3FF Parliamentors Programme in the 2014/5 cohort and now have an active role in it’s alumni committee. Being part of an extremely diverse and talented alumni opens doors to several opportunities for professional and personal development. There is a lot of fantastic and exciting things planned for the year ahead, and I have been given the chance to chair the committee for the next quarter.
Alongside our annual Interfaith Summit and the Parliamentors graduation, the alumni committee is planning a series of CPD’s to run every six weeks starting in March. The first alumni professional development session will be an Assessor and Interviewing Skills workshop. If you are interested in leading a CPD, please get in touch. Other upcoming programmes include working with the House of Lords to provide alumni with expert advice on how to continue their leadership journeys and developing mentoring sessions.
We look forward to a great year for 3FF and the Parliamentors Alumni.
If you want to get in touch with the alumni committee for any reason then email parliamentors.alumni@gmail.com or call 07483008160
07 / 12 / 21
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