An OBE and F&BF in 2025 – 5 Things to Expect
16 / 01 / 25
30 / 07 / 20
Well, what can we say about this last school term?! For starters, we have so missed the face-to-face delivery of our programmes and workshops in schools. The buzz and excitement of working directly with students and training teachers, being replaced with the team working from home, having sadly to postpone sessions and keeping focused on ever changing government guidelines has been far from ideal.
We’ve continued to support our teachers with digital resources virtually, and have been inspired to see how they and their students have adapted to these times with online learning and classroom and key worker provisions. In the midst of all these changes and pressures, so many of our schools remain committed to delivering interfaith dialogue and encounter opportunities for their students and we are looking forward to September where we have lots of plans in place to continue to do this digitally!
We wish our teachers and school networks a well-deserved (as always) summer break and look forward to re-connecting in the Autumn term.
Our School Linking programme will continue next year! We have an exciting digital Linking year planned, where teacher training and student Link days will all happen virtually, until we are able to bring back in person delivery safely and to each schools requirements and official guidelines. We are tailoring the programme to meet schools’ needs in terms of time-frame and delivery, and offering either an October or January start.
Linking digitally will provide a form of encounter for the students to meet and explore others from different faith and belief backgrounds, and although not in person, this we believe is needed more than ever currently with these opportunities so rare due to social distancing.
We are currently recruiting for new schools to join the programme, so please get in touch with pareskevi@faithbeliefform.org to register your interest and visit our Linking web pages to find out more.
We will be offering live virtual EFB workshops from September. Our volunteer speakers are ready to go, and we are excited to be able to deliver our flagship facilitated dialogue sessions, to students, teachers (inset training) and initial teacher trainees. To book a workshop for your school or education provider please contact sarah@faithbeliefforum.org
16 / 01 / 25
09 / 01 / 25