

Schools: Skills for Dialogue lesson plans, primary schools

Welcome to our website where you will find a suite of lesson plans with accompanying films, presentations and worksheets for primary schools. Skills for Dialogue aims to distil 20 years of The Faith & Belief Forum’s knowledge of equipping learners with tools for safe, respectful and meaningful dialogue, perfect for RE/PSHE/RSE primary school teaching.

On this page you will find detailed lesson plans with an accompanying films, presentations and worksheets aimed at years 3, 4, 5, and 6 to enable us to share our expertise and methodologies with education professionals in a scalable and sustainable way.    

Our in-house team of educationalists have created these resources in collaboration with specialist RE teachers.   Each lesson plan has been mapped to the main topics in the English and Welsh curriculum for the following subjects RE, PSHE, RSE and Citizenship. Our resources also help meet many objectives in SMRC and British Values provision, as well as several articles specified in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.  See our curriculum mapping webpage for more information.

FEEDBACK: We would love your feedback to help improve our resources. We will soon be adding a form here for feedback, in the meantime any comments or suggestions please contact the F&BF education team on School@faithbeliefforum.org    

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UPDATE:  Please find a useful resource by the Linking Network called ‘creating a peace rainbow‘ which helps children reflect and explore ways to respond to tragic news or events.




Skills for Dialogue

1 BUILDing a Safe/Shared Space

YouTube video


This package of lessons will introduce the importance of creating a ‘Safe Space’ (teachers sometimes also use ‘Shared Space’ or ‘Brave Space’) with the students, exploring why it is helpful to agree on shared principles when working with a group of people to enable everyone to feel comfortable to participate fully. As a framework, creating a Safe Space allows and encourages recognition of topics and themes that might be sensitive for an individual, group, class, school or community and develops skills to navigate and address these issues in the classroom and beyond.

By creating a class set of principles, using the acronym BUILD and exploring each of the principles in each lesson, the students receive the perfect introduction to enable them to set a respectful safe space to explore issues around identity/world views.

Safe Space lesson plan 1: Creating a Safe/Shared Space

L.O. I understand what is a safe/shared space and I can contribute ideas to build this space in my classroom

Lesson plan 1 (PDF)

Lesson plan 1 presentation (power point)

Table topic cards and charade cards

BUILD poster 

Safe Space lesson plan 2: B is for Being respectful

L.O. I understand what are respectful behaviours

Lesson plan 2 (PDF)

Lesson plan 2 presentation (power point)

Class Jigsaw activity image or use:

Safe Space lesson plan 3: U is for Understanding each other

L.O. I can understand others by actively listening to them 

Lesson plan 3 (PDF)

Lesson plan 3 presentation (power point)

Back-to-back activity images worksheet

Safe Space lesson plan 4: I is for I speak for myself

L.O. I understand how generalisations can cause confusion/misconceptions

Lesson plan 4 (PDF)

Lesson plan 4 presentation (power point)

Generalisations scripts

Safe Space lesson plan 5: L is for Listening with your whole body

L.O. I can work on improving my listening skills 

Lesson plan 5

Lesson plan 5 presentation (power point)

Repeating back scripts

Safe Space lesson plan 6: D is for Discussing not arguing

L.O. I can practice having meaningful discussions

Lesson plan 6

Lesson plan 6 presentation (power point)

Discussion anagram worksheet 

NEW! Bonus Lesson Plan: O is for Oops and Ouch!

We have had several requests from teachers with help when conversations go wrong.  Our ‘oops and ouch’ methodology, we hope, can help with this.

Oops and Ouch lesson plan

Powerpoint for class

Script 1 (KS1)

Script 2 (KS2)


2. Identity

YouTube video

Identity lesson plan 1: What is identity?

Lesson plan 1 

Lesson plan 1 power point for class

My identity worksheet

Identity lesson plan 2: Visible and invisible identity

Lesson plan 2

Lesson plan 2 power point for class

Backpack worksheet (4x complete backpacks)

Identity lesson plan 3: Identity stories

Lesson plan 3

Lesson plan 3 power point for class

My name research worksheet

For KS3 Identity versions please go to Skills for Dialogue KS3

Disclaimer: All the online resources and toolkits have been prepared for use within the Schools Programme at F&BF. All F&BF materials are owned by F&BF and should be acknowledged and attributed to F&BF. These materials cannot be used for commercial use, or for delivery beyond this Programme without the permission of F&BF.

Graphic design of lesson plans by Sam Harris. Films by Woven Ink.

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