

Sensitive Issues – Autumn 2024

Following the political polarisation of the past 12 months, and particularly the UK riots over summer 2024, we have put together a set of resources and guidelines to help teachers embark on what might be difficult discussions in the classroom.

You can view the resource below and download it here: F&BF School Resources – Skills for Dialogue & Sensitive issues Autumn 2024


Young people have been potently affected by what has happened out of school over the past year, so finding productive ways to discuss it in the classroom are essential. The resource might be of particular help to teachers who work with young people from BAME/ethnic minority communities, those come from migrant backgrounds or those who witnessed or were victim to the vandalism and unrest in British towns across the country. The resource will also be of help to anyone who works with young people.

At the Faith & Belief Forum we work with all faith and belief groups to bring people closer together through a range of programmes in schools, universities and in communities. We work closely with schools, delivering Encountering Faith and Belief (EFB) Workshops and organising linking between schools so young people have the chance to meet people different to them.
Our work is inherently intersectional with the EFB workshops often including stories that tell the interplay between faith and race, immigration and politics. No two stories are the same and no two people. Our youth leadership programme equips young people with the skills to make real social change and, under the mentorship of MPs, they connect with their wider communities to address local issues.
If you are interested in learning more about our programmes please contact us on info@faithbeliefforum.org
For any media enquiries please contact media@faithbeliefforum.org
Together, we know we can build a future free from hate.

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