

Join the Board of Trustees

Trustee recruitment information

Applications can be made by submitting a CV and Cover letter to info@faithbeliefforum.org

The UK’s leading interfaith organisation is looking for new trustees to help us in our work towards a world where diversity is celebrated.

The Faith & Belief Forum delivers innovative and meaningful interfaith encounters through our programmes in schools, universities and community spaces. Rooted in a progressive approach to interfaith that includes all religious and non-religious groups, and takes into account the complexity of people’s identities, we are ambitious in our aims to bring together people of different faiths and beliefs, and to create a positive movement for change in ever more turbulent times for our communities.

We were founded in 1997 as the Three Faiths Forum (3FF) and are proud of our 20-year history. Building on the work of our founders, Sir Sigmund Sternberg, Sheikh Dr Zaki Badawi, and Revd Dr Marcus Braybrooke, we have worked tirelessly to build good relations between people of all faiths and beliefs. Over the last five years, we’ve doubled in size, to an organisation of nearly 20 staff and an income of c. £1m.

We are now looking for new trustees to join our board. Trustees are responsible for the overall governance and strategic direction of the charity, and developing the organisations aims, objectives and goals in accordance with the governing document, legal and regulatory guidelines.

As well as an understanding of the UK charity sector and good governance, we are looking for people with experience across a range of function areas. Whilst we always welcome people with fundraising or income-generation knowledge, it is not necessary to hold this experience. It’s essential that our Trustees hold a passion for lived experience around faith and belief inclusion and diversity.

Trustees are asked to attend three board meetings and one away day per year, with reading and preparation before each meeting, to participate in a subcommittee, and to support and attend our events. This voluntary role is not remunerated but travel and childcare expenses can be reimbursed. Terms of service for new trustees is three terms of three years.

We value diversity at the Faith & Belief Forum and would particularly welcome interest from people from diverse faith backgrounds who can bring lived experience to our work.

Role Description: Trustee

Role Purpose: Trustees are responsible for the overall governance and strategic direction of the charity, developing the organisations aims, objectives and goals in accordance with the governing document, legal and regulatory guidelines.

Duties and Responsibilities:

  • To ensure that the organisation pursues its stated objects as defined in the constitution document, by supporting the development of, agreeing and overseeing a long-term strategy
  • To ensure that the organisation complies with its governing document (ie constitution), charity law, and any other relevant legislation or regulations
  • To ensure that the organisation applies its resources exclusively in pursuance of its charitable objects (ie the charity must not spend money on activities that are not included in its own objects, however worthwhile or charitable those activities are) for the benefit of the public
  • To ensure that the organisation defines its goals and evaluates performance against agreed targets
  • To safeguard the name and values of the organisation
  • To ensure the effective and efficient administration of the organisation, including having appropriate policies and procedures in place
  • To ensure the financial stability of the organisation
  • To protect and manage the property of the charity and ensure the proper investment of the charity’s funds
  • To follow proper and formal arrangements for the appointment, supervision, support, appraisal and remuneration of the Director

In addition to the above statutory duties, each trustee should use any specific skills, knowledge or experience they have, to help the board of trustees reach sound decisions. This may involve scrutinising board papers, leading discussions, focusing on key issues, providing advice and guidance on new initiatives, or other issues in which the trustee has special expertise.

Our strategic goals

  1. To equip more learners with the skills and tools they need to handle and influence relations between different faiths and beliefs
  2. To generate stronger community-based movement, with youth at the forefront
  3. To project the voices of those we support and the impact of our partnership with them

Please apply by submitting a CV and Cover letter to info@faithbeliefforum.org

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