

Make a Nomination

Nominate Here!!

Nominations will close at midnight on 21st July 2024. 

We believe that the power of faith and belief based social action needs to be supported, recognised and celebrated and need your help in identifying this inspirational work by making nominations for this years awards!

Thank you for considering making an award for the London Faith & Belief Community Awards. Below is all the information you should need to make a nomination, including links to read about previous award winners.

More information about past award winners can be found here.


The London Faith & Belief Community Awards celebrate the contribution of those working at the grassroots to ensure London is a more inclusive city. This work often includes supporting the most marginalized in our society.

Our categories, chosen in partnership with Deputy Lieutenants of Greater London, reflect the challenges faced by some Londoners and marginalised groups. On the nomination form, you will be asked to choose a category.

Don’t worry if your project fits across multiple categories; the judges will alter your category if necessary to make a fair decision. We will be in contact if we need any more information.

  • Response to the Cost-of-Living Crisis

The cost-of-living crisis is impacting the lives of all Londoners. Projects within this category have provided goods, services or support which has helped those who are struggling financially by providing some relief from the crisis.

  • Schools & Educational Establishments

Developing young people’s leadership and character at school is vital for a healthy society. Projects in this category promote interfaith understanding and inclusive practices. These projects run at schools or Alternative Provision Units and work with young people to develop leadership, tolerance or education regarding faith, belief, or inclusion.

  • Interfaith relations 

London’s neighbourhoods are multi-faith spaces where people with different faiths and beliefs share the same public spaces and services. Projects within this category build bridges across communities and create hubs that are open to all.
Click here to read our blog featuring past winners from the interfaith relations category.

  • Environmental Sustainability

Inspired by The Queen’s Green Canopy initiative’s mission to encourage environmental sustainability. This category seeks to celebrate projects that address one of the most urgent challenges facing humanity by inspiring behavioural change in their communities through education, local campaigns, safeguarding green spaces and taking practical action to tackle climate change.  

  • Health & wellbeing

Projects in this category create specialised services for the health and wellbeing of Londoners. They reduce social isolation and improve the quality of life of Londoners by supporting vulnerable people from different backgrounds.
Click here to read our blog featuring past winners from the health and wellbeing category.

  • Inspiring youth

Young people from minority backgrounds are often overlooked and may be excluded from civic life. Projects within this category work with young people to encourage leadership, participation or volunteering in their local community, and connect them with opportunities beyond their neighbourhoods.

Through this award we are particularly looking to celebrate work that is led by youth people or young leaders under 30 who deserve recognition.
Click here to read our blog featuring past winners from the inspiring youth category.

  • Promoting Inclusion

Londoners may face misunderstanding, isolation or exclusion because of their faith or belief. They may be further excluded, due to other aspects of their identities (e.g. ethnicity, gender, sexuality, class, age and ability) – and this discrimination may take place within faith groups or wider society. Projects within this category work at the intersection between faith/belief and other aspects of identity – creating inclusive spaces.
Click here to read our blog featuring past winners from the promoting inclusion category.

  • Supporting women

Women, from all walks of life, make extraordinary contributions to their communities and the city we live in, but they’re not always recognised. This category will recognise the work of projects which support women to make change in their community through providing education, advocacy, friendship and a wider array of services. 
Click here to read our blog featuring past winners from the supporting women category.

Our awards scheme celebrates work that is often overlooked and marginalised. You may nominate your own work or that of others.

So that we can recognise the widest breadth of projects, previously awarded projects cannot be re-nominated.

Projects can be run by a registered charity or a community group and could be one initiative of a larger organisation or a project that is run by a place of worship or community group. It may be run entirely by volunteers or have paid staff.

The project nominated could work across communities or within their own community i.e. it does not have to have an interfaith focus.

To show a record of impact, we ask that you nominate a project that has been running for over a year.

Your nomination must identify a project:

  • That works at a local level within greater London
  • That is driven by a certain faith or non-religious belief or delivers work that benefits Londoners from marginalised faith and belief communities. We welcome nominations from faith-based and secular projects.
  • That has not previously received wider recognition. This refers to projects who have received London-wide or regional/national awards previously. Projects which have only won borough-level awards, such as the F&BF Southwark Awards can still apply.
  • Previous award winners cannot be nominated again but we encourage recognised projects to re-nominate their work.

The judging panel will base their decisions on the need for the project, the impact the project has in addressing that need, and exceptionality – which could be about innovation, uniqueness, sustainability or overcoming barriers to establish your project. Further guidance is provided on the nomination form.

Projects could increase a sense of belonging for overlooked or under-supported groups; increase life chances through engagement, education, and wellbeing; and impact communities or individual beneficiaries. Winners will have a track record of achieving aims, with transformative and lasting impact on beneficiaries. The winners selected are those who can best demonstrate their strengths in these areas.

Each of the 40 awarded projects will receive £500 to enhance their work.

Awarded projects, recognised projects and recognised individuals will have the opportunity to:

  • Attend an awards ceremony in central London on 26th November 2024 
  • Meet and connect with 300 individuals and groups from across London’s faith, belief and community sector, including Her Majesty’s Deputy Lieutenants of Greater London.
  • Be given at least 2 tickets to attend a Royal Albert Hall show later in 2024

In the nomination form you will be asked to give the contact details of the group you are nominating (mandatory) and links to social media accounts if you have them (optional). You’ll be asked for the name of the person making the nomination (this can be anyone, including a paid employee).

You will then be asked to answer the following questions. Each question has a limit of 2500 characters (roughly 475 words).

  1. Please provide an overview of the background and main focus of the project you are nominating. What work does it do and why is this important? How long has the project been in operation? How many people does the project support per year?
  2. Please tell us about the impact of this project by providing evidence and examples of what the project has achieved.
  3. Why does this project deserve to be awarded? Please show evidence of the project being innovative, unique, sustainable, or having to overcome significant barriers to establish the project.

You will then be asked to list a referee who can verify the work of your nomination and their contact details (mandatory). The referee cannot be a paid employee of the project being nominated – they can be a volunteer, trustee, beneficiary, or anyone else familiar with the work, as long as it’s unpaid.

Central to making a good nomination is clearly describing what the project does and who it impacts and giving clear examples and evidence of the impact the projects makes. Think about any statistics, case studies or quotes you may be able to share.



On this page you’ll find general guidance, some more information about the specific questions and our recommendations for how to write if you are a larger or a smaller project.

We encourage nominations from projects large or small, but don’t feel that you are too small to apply! No matter what the project is, we’d love to get to know you and get a chance to say hello at the awards ceremony in November! All nominees will be invited to either be awarded with £500 or to be recognised and get a certificate. So apply today!

With thanks to our sponsors


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