


We create spaces in schools, universities, and the wider community where people can engage with questions of belief and identity and meet people different from themselves. Our programmes enable people from different backgrounds – both religious and non-religious – to learn from each other and work together.

Programme Areas


We believe that young people should feel confident communicating and collaborating with anybody, regardless of their faith, belief, culture or background. Questions of belief and personal identity have never been more complex for young people. The ease with which people can connect with one another across the globe, and the massive cultural diversity found in the UK means that young people need the skills and confidence to navigate this terrain.


School Workshops

Our workshops bring real-life experiences of faith, belief, and identity into the classroom via a panel of trained speakers.  

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School Linking

The School Linking Programme matches students and classes from different cultural or faith backgrounds to explore issues of identity, community and belief.

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Objects Connect

This project aims to educate people outside the classroom about the importance of teaching Religion and Worldviews inside the classroom

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Skills for Dialogue

Questions of belief and personal identity have never been more complex for young people. F&BF has created a suite of online resources to support RE/Humanities/PSHE teaching in the classroom.

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ParliaMentors is a UN award-winning leadership programme where teams of university students of different faiths and non-religious beliefs collaborate to create real social change while being mentored by MPs. Through expert-led training, support from local and national NGOs and access to Westminster, ParliaMentors gives students the networks and skills they need to affect real change in their communities, in their careers and in the political arena.



ParliaMentors is a UN award-winning leadership programme for university students from different faith and belief backgrounds.

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ParliaMentors Alumni Network

ParliaMentors is a UN award-winning leadership programme where teams of university students of different faiths and non-religious beliefs collaborate to create real social change while being mentored by MPs. 

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Working across communities to create dialogue and connections between people of different faiths and beliefs.


London Dangoor Awards

These awards celebrate the creative, generous and vital work of London’s faith and belief communities by bringing together local heroes and shining a light on their inspirational work

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Interfaith Restorative Justice Project

The Faith & Belief Forum, with partners Why Me? and Interfaith Glasgow, are exploring how Restorative Justice practices can be applied to address hostility against and between faith communities in Solihull and Glasgow.

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Supporting Local Communities

We passionately feel long term investment in building interfaith relations is of vital importance to social cohesion, and our projects can support the strategies already in place to benefit your entire community.

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We create spaces for LGBTQ+ people of faith to come together, and support organisations through training and workshops to ensure their services are inclusive.

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Working across sectors to build workplaces where people of different faiths, beliefs and backgrounds can thrive.

View our previous programmes

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